We’ve been promoting the 2nd season of “Tsukiyoi” on the website Reverbnation.com, and it has finally come in 26th place in the category of ‘world genre’. It all started from a hope… our hope that as many people as possible throughout the world would have a chance to enjoy the beauty of Japanese inspired music. More than 500 comments from our international listeners have made us realize that our passion has found an audience. This has given us so much confidence and showed clearly the direction we should follow in the future. Thank you very much. (There are actually a lot more comments that cannot be shown here)
From our efforts of the last six months, it’s become very clear what Tsukiyoi has to do. We believe that music has a magical power to shorten the time it takes for us to learn from one other, to grow together, and to foster a genuine understanding amongst peoples and nations. What’s necessary is to first eliminate the invisible barriers between. Music can be a way to break these walls down. We would like to articulate and transmit our message and ideas to people throughout the world in order to form a strong connection with others. Through the richness of Japanese culture and history, we hope “Tsukiyoi” can be a catalyst for a better understanding amongst peoples. Yes, this is our dream.
人と人、国と国 お互いが学び、成長し、本当の理解を得るまでの時間を少し短くし、簡単にする魔法の力が、音楽にはあります。見えないけどそこにある垣根を無くす事が、深く相手を知るためにまず必要な事。音楽は、そのひとつのきっかけなのです。